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The Lighthouse provides Early Head Start (EHS) for children and families who meet the eligibility requirements. Eligible children are between the ages of 4 weeks and 36 months and receive a subsidy such as Working Connections Childcare, DSHS childcare ,Tribal Childcare or Foster Care subsidy supports.
Come in TODAY and chat with our Family Advocate about the benefits of EHS or call the at the 253-939-0870.
The program was designed in 1994 by an Advisory Committee on Services for Families with Infants and Toddlers formed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Early Head Start offers three different options and programs may offer one or more to families. The three options are: a home-based option, a center-based option, or a combination option in which families get a set number of home visits and a set number of center-based experiences. There are also locally designed options, which in some communities include family child care.
Early Head Start is a comprehensive program that serves the "whole" child and their family. The program focuses on a child's growth and development socially and cognitively.
The Lighthouse provides the Center-based option for eligible children and families.
Early Head Start programs provide family-centered services that promote the development of children and are designed to enable parents to fulfill their roles and move toward self-sufficiency.
This program provides formula, diapers, and wipes for eligible families while in the program at no cost.
Families also receive support as
needed or requested by an on-site Family Advocate. Supports include housing resources, education resources, developmental supports for the child, social/emotional resources for the child, and much much more. In addition to providing or linking families with needed services, including medical, mental health, nutrition, and education.
Early Head Start provides a place for children to experience consistent, nurturing relationships and stable, ongoing routines. Here at The Lighthouse, we are excited to be a part of this level of support for families.
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